Worldly Mirth

Proverbs 25:20.
Worldly mirth is so far from curing spiritual grief that even worldly grief , where tis great and takes deep root , is not allayed but increased by it . A man that is full of inward heaviness , the more he is compassed about with mirth , it exaspe rates and enrages his grief the more , like ineffectual weak medicine that removes not the humour , but stirs it and makes it more unquiet ; but spiritual joy is seasonable for all estates . in prosperity it is pertinent to crown and sanctify all other enjoyments , with this that so far surpasses them ; and in distress it is the only nepenthe , the cordial of fainting spirits . So Psalm 4:7 "He hath put joy into my heart ."This mirth makes way for itself , which other mirth cannot do . These songs are sweetest in the night of distress.


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