Hidden Life

The believing child of God is in possession of eternal life. He is in present possession of it . He does not wait till he enter into glory to be in possession of everlasting life . He possesses it already . "He that believeth on the son of God hath ", even now , while sojourning in this estate of trial and probation , 'everlasting life' . He has already emerged for the shadow of death and entered on the realm of life genuine and true , life that is real and endless. The domain of death is behind him , not before him He has not to die ; that is past . True ,indeed he has to fall asleep in Jesus. He must put off this earthly tabernacle . But as to death in its high and awful meaning , as to death in its constituting essence and real power , regarded in the light of penalty on sin , he is done with it forever more . That is past , not to come ; it is behind him , not before him ; he is not advancing towards it , but triumphantly escaping from the very shadow of it . .'Ye are dead , and you life is hid with Christ in God ' .THe believer is thus dead , in and with Christ , in Christ's death , as the proprietor and inheritor of it . The death of Christ is imputed to him , and received by faith alone . Now , Christ's death was a death conquering ,death extinguishing death. It was death in its perfection ; death up to the full limits of its power and reign ; a death which , as it passed away in its perfect consummation , swallowed up death in victory , and left the field in undisputed possession of death's enemy - in possession of life everlasting .
   'By one offering ', Jesus has  'perfected forever them that are sanctified '. He has perfectly reconciled us to the Father , perfectly satisfied thye law , perfectly vanquished Satan , perfectly extinguished the curse , perfectly abolished death , and brought life and immortality to light - clear from every taint of region and shadow of death and darkness . And now , you who believe on him , have , by him , the Resurrection and Life , passed through death's realm in your living head , and are numbered among the living in Jerusalem . His perfect death is your death , already past , and over , and gone . 'Ye are dead , and your life is hid with Christ in God .'  The believer then , is in possession of everlasting life . And how great are the glories which this one fact implies !He stands personally in the favour of heaven ; he stands well with God - Oh ,how well! - even as God sees his shield and loooks on the face of his annointed one . And in this favour of God - in the good understanding between him and his God , the very life of his soul consists .'In his favour is life.' and ,'thy loving kindness is better than life ,' He is a son of the King of glory , he is an heir of God , a joint heir with Christ . He is a member of a spiritual priesthood , of a general assembly of worshippers , officiating daily before the God of the whole earth . He is a king and priest . There is no end of the glorious things that are spoken of the city of God and its citizens . They have a life , which in its character , and functions , and privileges , and history , and prospects , is altogether full of glory


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