
In acknowledgeing the claims which Jesus puts forward to your believing confidence , your gratitude and your cheerful service , let you whole heart rest with appropriating joy on his death and resurection . Feed upon the mystery and fulness of truth and grace implied in the oracle ; "Destroy this temple , and in three days I will raise it up again ." In yourself you are a guilty sinner ; a criminal doomed to die ; a useless barren fig tree ; and the cry has gone out , Destroy it , cut it down . The only hope is in an advocate who shall himself be your substitute . And behold the substitute ! Behold his vicarious , sacrificial death ! Behold his glorious , federal resurection ! Be thou buried with him by engrafting of faith into his death ; And like as he was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father , even so , shall you walk in newness of life . Ah! let the oracle about the Lord's death and resurrection thus test your spiritual state ;,  let it direct your spiritual aims ; let it enlighten and rejoice your weary heart . And if enemies assail your peace and safety , God may overrule their assault to remind you of the foundation of your hopes and enable you thus to reply to those who would lay anything to the charge of God's elect : "It is Christ that died :yea ,rather that is risen again ."For when the temple of his body was destroyed , in three days it was gloriously raised up again.


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