
Our cleansing is to be managed by all holy things . Word and sacrament more wisely and spiritually used than commonly with us ; and private prayer that purifies and elevates the soul , takes it up into the mount and makes it shine ; and particularly supplicating for the Spirit of holiness and victory over sin is not in vain ; it optains its desires of God , the soul becoming that which it is fixedly set upon ; holy resolution :Christians much wanting in this , faint and lose their purposes ; the consideration of divine truths , the mysteries of the kingdom , the hope of Christians , yea , rich and great promises ; that is particularly here the motive . These are all the means , holy means they are , as their end is the perfection of holiness . Now consider whether it is better to be the slaves of satan or the sons of God ; measure delight in God with the low base pleasures of sense . Blessed are the pure in heart ,for they shall see God ; these gradually go on together , and are perfected together .
        Why , then, is there such an invincible love of sin in the hearts of men ? At least , why so little love of holiness and endeavour after it , so means thought of it as a thing indecent or unpleasant , when it is the only noble and the only delightful thing in the world ? The soul by other things is drawn below itself , but by holiness it is raised above itself and made divine . Pleasures of sin for a season ; the pleasure of a moment exchanged for those of eternity ! But in the meantime , in this season , the soul is fed with communion with God , one hour of which is more worth than the longest life of the highest of the worlds delights.


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