The Gift of God

"If thou knewest the Gift of God and who it is that saith to thee , give me to drink , thou would have asked of Him , and He would have given thee ."And if would add yet one word , it is that Christ in the glories of his person and offices and work , as revealed here and elsewhere in the Gospels , with his free message of salvation , is the very Saviour we need , and who alone can satisfy the soul's thirst . Christianity is to have no new phases or developements . Its glorious distinctive truths are not to be moulded and metamorphosed to suit the restless spirit of the times , to adapt themselves to new conditions of thought , and to square with modern theories and speculations . Jesus , from being the adorable God - man , "Immanuel , God with us , " is not to be dishohoured by merely having a place assigned Him as one of many deities in worlds Pantheon , - regarded merely as the human founder of one of earth's religions or philophies , and the doctrines of His school to take complexion and colour , shape and modification , at the caprice of human opinion,- the age moulding the gospel instead of the gospel moulding the age . Poetry is at fault when this is one of her oracular utterances ,- "Ring in the Christ that is to be ,"  The Christ that is to be , is the Christ that is .  " I that speak unto thee am He ."  "They shall perish"  may be true of all other philosophic  creeds and systems , "but Thou remainest .""Jesus Christ the same yesterday , today and forever "     May we know Him as the unchanging Saviour , the Giver of the living water , the Speaker of peace , the Bestower of rest to the soul . Renouncing and loathing our sins , and having had answered in Him the cry of thirsting humanity , "Give me to drink .!"


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