
Conversion is a turning , and it is one turning only , but it produces simultaneously and necessarily two distinct effects . Whereas his face was formerly turned away from God , and towards his own sins ; it is now turned away from his own sins , and towards God . This one turning , with its twofold result , is in Christ the Mediator , and through the work of the Spirit . As long as God is my enemy , I am his . I have no more power to change that condition than the polished surface has to refrain from reflecting the sunlight that falls on it . It is God's love , from the face of Jesus shining into my dark heart , that makes my heart open , and delight to be his dwelling place .The eye of the just Avenger I cannot endure to be in this place of sin ; but the eye of the compassionate Physician , I will gladly admit into this place of disease , for he comes from heaven to earth that he might heal such sin-sick souls as mine . When a disciple desires to be searched by the living God , he does not thereby intimate that there are no sins in him to be discovered ; he intimates rather that his foes are so many and so lively ,,that nothing can subdue them except the presence and power of God .


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