Faithfulness of God

There is faithfulness of God to his own work upon the heart . Why did he begin that work but to complete it ? Why did he call you by his grace , but to give you fellowship with his dear Son ? Having begun the work , , nothing will ever remove him from his determined purpose that his people whom he has called by his grace shall have fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord . You may not be now enjoying it , or not yet have attained to that distinguishing favour ; but he who has called you is faithful , and will renew it afresh , or bestow it in due time .  And how we need this faithfulness ! Many are the hindrances to this fellowship . Dark clouds gather over our minds . Temptations assail the soul ; sins vex and tease ; backslidings draw aside and entangle ; guilt presses hard and heavy ; deadness and coldnesschill and freeze ; Satan harasses ; the world allures ; doubt and fear distress ; the carnal mind frets and murmurs ; All these inward evils are sad hindrances to communion , and are felt as such , in greater or less degree by every Christian . Yet God is faithful , and will not suffer these hindrances wholly to prevent , though they may interrupt fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord
    But God works by means , and it is through them for the most part that he maintains his work alive in the soul . Prayer and supplication ; reading the word ; sweet meditation upon God's truth ; hearing the preached Gospel ; communion with the family of God ; watchfulness against besetting temptations ; resisting Satan when he comes in like a flood ; striving against all sin ; these are certain means of God's providing ; the Lord is faithful in not only making his people to avail themselves of them , but blessing them in , and by them .  May we not then say , "God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son , Jesus Christ our Lord ?" Here we rest our hopes - that God is faithful . Having called us by his grace , he will never suffer the work to be undone , marred by sin , and ruined by Satan . He will himself carry it on , and bring it to perfection ; and giving us to enjoy whilst here below  a taste of that communion to which he called us when he quickened us into life by his Blessed Spirit , he will complete it , when perfectly conformed to the image of Christ , the general assembly and church of the first born  shall enjoy eternal communion with Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , the glorious Triune Lord God of Israel .


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