
It is only in moments of unselfishness that I am free . The iron chain that binds me is the thought of myself and of my own calamities ; if I could be but liberated from that , my captivity would be turned in an hour . If under the shadow of a cloud , I could remember that the shadow of the same cloud hovers over my brother - man the vision of his shadow would destroy mine . In the moment of prayer for him my burden would fall from me . I would seek it , and lo ! it would not be found ; it would be as if it had not been . O Thou Divine Spirit of self - forgetfulness , Spirit of Christ , Spirit of the Cross , it is in Thee alone that I find this freedom . Liberate me from myself , and instead of the iron chain , give me a chain of gold . It is not the chain that lowers me , it is the material of which it is made ; it is not the sorrow that makes me a captive , it is the centering of the sorrow round my own life . Help me to take up the burdens of others . Help me to know what it is to have rest in bearing an additional yoke , Thy yoke , the yoke of humanity . Help me to feel what it is to have peace in carrying a new care Thy care , the care of universal love . Help me to learn what it is to be transfigured in the prayer for others ; to have countenance shining as the light , and the raiment white and glistening .My fetters shall be wings of sympathy whereby I shall pass into the heart of the world , and when I reach the heart of the world the fetters shall fall ; my captivity shall be turned back when I have prayed for my captive friends .


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