
The body shall be awaked out of its dead sleep , and quickened into a glorious immortal life . The soul and body are the essential parts of man ; and though the inequality be great in their operations that respect holiness , yet their concourse is necessary . Good actions are designed by the counsel and resolution of the spirit , but performed by the ministry of the flesh . Every grace expresses itself in visible actions by the body . In the sorrows of repentance , it supplies tears , in fastings , its appetites are restrained , in thanksgiving the tongue breaks forth into the joyful praises of God . All the victories over sensible pleasure and pain are obtained by the soul in conjunction with the body . Now it is most becoming the divine goodness not to deal so differently , that the soul should be everlastingly happy , and the body lost in forgetfulness ; the one glorified in heaven , the other remain in the dust . From their first setting out in the world to the grave they ran the same race , and shall enjoy the same reward . Here the body is the consort of the soul in obedience and sufferings , hereafter in fruition. When the crown of purity or palm of martyrdom shall be given by the great Judge in the view of all , they shall both partake in the honour . Of this we have an earnest in the resurrection of Christ in His true body , who is the first - fruits of them that sleep 


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