The Kingdom

Jesus does rule . The kingdom of Christ is no fanciful phrase . The words He spoke , the deeds He did , have shaped the religious life and thought of the civilised world . But this is the lowest ground . He is supreme over all creation . In Him the Psalm is fulfilled "Thou hast put all things under His feet . All sheep and oxen , the fowl of the air , the fish of the sea , and the beasts of the field ." The Father hath set Him at His own right hand , far above all principality and power ; all angels do His bidding ; all evil powers are beneath His feet . But let us never forget that the foundation of His kingdom is His Cross . We want more than the truth , more than a guide to show us the way ; we need forgiveness , salvation , life ; and these are only possible through the death of the Redeemer . Satan offered Him the kingdom when he met Him in the wilderness , and He would not have it on such terms . With face set for Calvary , He went down the mountain to the valley of the shadow of death ; and having traversed it , He came to His disciples and said ," All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth ." Thou art the King of Glory , O Christ ; for thou art the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world .
That kingdom  is an everlasting one . " All kingdoms will pass away before Christ's as the chaff of the summer threshing floor ." The shaking of the kings and kingdoms of this world has already begun , and is destined to shake to the ground the most stable edifices of human pride ;  but as we are to receive a kingdom that cannot be moved , let us not be troubled .


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