
Blessed are the meek , Blessed are the poor in spirit , said the Lord . What is meekness , and why are meek and poor men signally blessed with joy ? Meekness is different from lowliness and humility . It is our attitude in the presence of detractors and persecutors - not retaliating , nor opposing force to force , but bowing in silence and submission before high- handed wrong . It was in such a spirit of meekness that Jesus suffered Himself to be led as a lamb to the slaughter ; and instead of calling for legions of angels , suffered Caiaphas' armed band to bind Him . This spirit is not natural to us . It is our nature to retaliate and avenge ourselves . We want to call for fire , or legions of armoured angels from the heaven of God . But this is not the way of peace or joy . But the Holy Spirit waits to reproduce in us the meekness of Jesus . Then , when you meet all injury and unkindness with an unfailing Christian courtesy , bending like a rush before the storm , to rise when it has passed over , you will have joy . Joy , because God will comfort you ; because you have not lost yourself in the heat of passion , but have tried to turn others away from their evil purpose ; because your hands could not have vindicated or extricated yourself , as God's have ; and because you realise that the passive virtues are stronger , and the patience of Jesus Christ will win the kingdom . Those who fret and and fume and storm through life , always standing on their rights , and insisting on being respected and consulted , are in perpetual perturbation . But the meek inherit the earth . All the best comes to them at last . God makes them his special charge . And as they tread the path of Jesus , they share his joy .


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