
Although one kingdom differs from another in character and aim , all kingdoms are like each other in the method of their operation . The kingdom of darkness , like the kingdom of light , grows gradually from very small to very great . The kingdom of Satan hangs on and follows Christ's kingdom like a dark shadow , and the shadow depends upon the light . The first sin against God was a small seed , but the tree which sprang from if was the fall of man . "Thou shalt not eat ," is a small point - its smallness has sometimes supplied unbelievers with wit , if not with argument  -  but on that point a door was hung , which , turned this way , opened heaven and shut hell ; turned that way , opened hell and shut heaven . In its beginning the kingdom of evil was small ; but from that small seed a mighty tree has grown .
       As there is no sin so great that the blood of Christ cannot blot it out , so there is no sin so small that it cannot destroy a soul . A little sin is like a little fire ; stand in awe of the spark , and rest not till it is quenched . As Christ our Lord is tenderly careful of spiritual life when it is feeble , and cherishes it into strength , we should sternly stamp out evil while it is yet young in our own hearts , lest it spread like a fire . He will not quench the smoking flax of beginning grace , but we should quench with all our might the smoking flax of sin . He commanded the Church in Sardis to "be watchful and strengthen the things which remain , and are ready to die " The counterpart and complement of that command is binding too , upon his disciples ; Be watchful , and weaken- if possible kill outright - the germs of evil that are springing from unseen seeds within your own heart and around you in the world . "The God of peace will bruise Satan under your feet shortly "He will bruise Satan , but Satan must be bruised under your feet . 


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