
The Spirit's work of sanctification is the continuance and development of regeneration ; and is related to it as preservation is to creation in the natural world . But just as preservation differs from creation in this , that in it God works by means , and with the co-operation of the creatures ; so is the Spirit's work  of sanctification there is co-operation of the human will , such as cannot be admitted in regeneration . In implanting the new life at first , the Holy Spirit has to deal with a soul , that is indeed essentially active , but in regard to spiritual religion insensible or opposed to the call of God . Hence the work is entirely due to the divine power ; we are His workmanship , created in Christ Jesus unto good works . But in the preservation and development of the new life , the Spirit has to deal with a soul that is now spiritually alive , that is able and inclined to work in the same direction as His work . Hence in the process of sanctification we are called to be fellow workers with God ; we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling , because it is God that worketh in us to will and to do . Such exhortations continually occur in the Epistles , in close connection with statements of the work of God  by His Spirit in our sanctification . The knowledge we have of the reality of the work ought not to lead us to be less earnest and diligent in our own efforts , but rather more so ; for it assures us that our efforts shall not be in vain , as we might fear they would be , if we had only them to look to for success. Nor does the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit render our co-cooperation needless ; for though the Spirit's power is indeed divine , and therefore all sufficient , yet it is exercised in a way suited to our nature , not only as men , but as now having spiritual life , and able to know , desire , and seek spiritual blessings . The fear and trembling , with which Paul says Christians ought to engage in the work , are not due to uncertainty or lack of hope in the issue , but are the emotions that ought naturally to arise from the knowledge that we are so closely associated with God in the work . If we have any right apprehension of the greatness , the glory , the holiness of God , we must feel that is a solemn and awful thing to be fellow workers with the high and holy one that inhabiteth eternity , whose name is holy .. With what reverence should we engage in the work of purifying ourselves , how careful should we be that our hearts are right with God , and our ends and aims in harmony with His , how fearful lest by heedlessness or self- seeking we provoke His holy anger ! In scripture there are warnings not only to unbelievers thwesdXat they resist not the Holy Spirit , but also to Christians that they do not grieve that blessed agent [[Eph 4:30]; and it is indicated that the Spirit is grieved when we indulge in anger , bitterness , or malice , or anything opposed to God's holy law . If we rebel and grieve His Holy Spirit , God may turn to be our enemy and fight against us [Isa 63:10}; and whenever we fall into any grievous sin , we have reason to say with the Psalmist "Take not thy holy spirit from me ". If it is the holy God who thus works in by His Spirit , well may we be filled with fear and trembling as we work out our own salvation .
   Yet we have the assurance that God is able to keep us from falling , and to present us blameless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy . ; that saints are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation [1Peter 1:5] and that He who has begun a good work in us will perfect it until the day of Christ [Phil. 1:6]. So we may give ourselves to this work in the confidence and hope that such promises are fitted to inspire , and be strong in the Lord who sanctifies us , and who has said , "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."


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