The Spirit

As the future coming of the Lord Jesus is the Church's hope , the present outpouring of the Spirit is the Church's heritage . The child of God can never cease to long for for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit , so long asd he feels any deadness in his own heart , or sees so many dead souls around . The love of Christ will constrain him to sigh after a closer walk with God himself , and will give him no rest till he see others walking in the light along with him . And let none of you think , that you are too young or too inexperienced , or too little advanced in the Christian life , to be entitled or called upon to be intercessors with God for the outpouring of the Spirit on all flesh . The most acceptable offerings you can present to God , upon your own conversion , are the yearnings of your heart over dead souls , and your earnest pleadings for the promise of the Father . If your faith be weak , if your views be dark , if your hearts be straitened , rest assured nothing will tend more to impart realizing power to faith , to cause light to arise in darkness , to give freedom and enlargement in the straitening of the heart , than dealing closely and and confidingly with Jesus for the promised season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord . Dealing with God apart , for the time , from the fears and solicitides of personal interest and anxiety , the soul gets accustomed to contemplate him upon the mercy - seat as reconciled in Jesus Christ , and wams unconsciously in the sense of his forgiving love . It is from Jesus that the Spirit comes ; it is to Jesus that the Spirit points . Hence it is looking unto Jesus that you are to expect the Spirit ; in seeing Jesus more clearly , you will recognise and feel the Spirit's presence when he comes ; for he is ever proceeding from before the throne of Jesus ; he is ever shining on his cross . As the living Head , Jesus secures and dispenses the Spirit to man ; as the living Witness , the Spirit enlightens and draws men to Jesus . If , therefore , we would bring back the Spirit in his absence, we must wait upon the throne of grace ; if we would enjoy the Spirit in his presence , we must linger round the cross . Thus it is dealing with Jesus that we receive the promise of the Father ; and in receiving the promise of the Father , we are linked in a covenant that never shall be broken , unto Jesus , as our covenant Head .


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