The New Man

The new man is put on when we put on the graces that belong to him . I observed , that the new man is called so as having the members of a man . These members are the various graces which he is enabled to exercise ; and the new man may be said to be put on when these graces act under a divine influence and power . When , for instance , we are enabled by the grace of God to believe in his dear Son , to receive the truth in the love of it , , to feel the power of his word upon our heart , - this is putting on the new man , for it is putting on a very essential member of the new man , which is faith . . Again , when in the exercise of a good hope through grace , we can look up and look out , and thus expect and wait for better days , if not now in the enjoyment of them , we may be said to put on the new man , for hope is a very conspicuous and active member of him . So , when we can feel a little going forth of love and affection toward the Lord , to his word , to his people , his ways , and all that is connected with him ; this may also be said to be the putting on of the new man ; for love is one of the most distinguishing features and most marked characteristics . So with patience , humility , repentance , and godly sorrow  for sin , spirituallity of mind , a spirit of prayer and supplication , resignation to the will of God , liberality to God's people , earnest desires to walk in godly fear , to live to the praise and glory of God , to do the things that are pleasing in his sight , and live under his approving smile ,- to be blessed with all this is to put on the new man .


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