Glorified Redeemer

Even though heaven's wide temple with all the dazzling glory of her angelic throng were disclosed to us and we were thus in sweet vision far aloft in the scale of creature excellence even of the seraphim or the archangel richest in the flood of grace and glory among heaven's holy ones  - still we would be but slightly  aided in our views of a glorified Emmanuel , for ,far above every name that is named and every throne that is set in heaven , sits the glorified body of the divine Redeemer , the highest and nearest seraphim veiling their faces with their wings , and the posts of heaven's gates moving and sounding even with the unbroken silence of his glory . Still , also this a communicated glory - not essential to his Godhead - bestowed upon his humanity . It is his humanity which is the subject of this honour and it is a portion of what Jesus prayed for when he said , "Father .....glorify thy Son " , and a portion of what the Father promised when he said " I have annointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows ." How full of material for unbounded hope to the believer is the glory of the humanity of Jesus ! If we believe on this glorified Emmanuel , then behold our very brother , flesh of our flesh , bone of our bone , exalted to the highest created glory . This is our nature which has the highest seat in heaven . This is he who , because the children were partakers of flesh and blood , himself also likewise took part of the same , and now , having offered a full sacrifice for sin , he has carried humanity within the veil , even to the holiest of all , to the very throne of God , where he sits infinitely exalted above all creatures . And now he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one , so that his people shall not stand in the outer court but have a way opened up through all the seraphic hosts of heaven till they  come even to his throne , the centre of the glories of the universe , where they shall forever dwell nearest to Emmanuel's person , because dear to his heart as the purchase of his agony and pain .


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