Love of Christ
The love of Christ is just as incomprehensible as the mysteries and glory of the Godhead itself . You see Him dwelling there in the bosom of the Father in bliss and glory unutterable , receiving the homage of a holy universe ; and then flinging all this aside , He comes down through all the ranks of the higher intelligences . lower and still lower , till He reaches the depths of suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross , and there pours out His blood that He may wash us from our sins . "From our sins, "- from their deep guilt , and so procuring our eternal forgiveness and God's favour ; and from their power and pollution , and so procuring ourr restoration to the holy image of God . It may well be believed that those for whom all this was done , those whom the Son of God so loved and washed in His own blood , however low and vile and guilty before , would be thus advanced to whatever of dignity and privilege it was in the power of omnipotence to bestow upon such creatures...