
Showing posts from 2009

wiles of the devil

If the first pair had not entered into a covenant with the wicked one , there would not have been a fall.Neither at the first nor at any subsequent period has the enemy come forward as an enemy, declaring war , and depending on the use of force. Not the power , but the wiles of the Devil have we cause to dread. If either he or we should assume the attitude of adversary, our cause were won. Knowing that he lacks power to destroy God's creature's , he simulates friendship , and persuades them to destroy themselves. On the other hand , if we count and treat the devil as an enemy, we shall overcome him. The principle is expressed in the Psalm-"When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back . This I know , for God is for me."(Psalm 61v9.) The turning point is , "when I cry." It means ,when I am no longer in with my destroyer, I have the omnipotent on my side. It is when we are traitors to ourselves that the adversary gains the advantage. Rev. W. ...

A Book of Private Prayer for Morning and Evening

A Book of Private Prayer for Morning and Evening

water of life

"There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water.Jesus saith unto her , give me to drink." John.4. 7. Each one of us must come , at one time or another, to have a personal dealing with Christ.  It may be at one of those crisis - hours of existence, of which few are ignorant, when the even flow of life's current is arrested; when, to use the suggestive simile of this narrative , the pitcher is drained and emptied, and we are summoned away from our Shechem-homes and broken cisterns to seek supplies of some better 'living water'.  It may be at a dying hour : it MUST be on the great day of judgement.  Blessed for us if that solemn and all momentous conference and interview has already taken place;  if we have already listened  to His words of wondrous mercy,  let down our vessel for the draught in the deep well of His love, and drank of that perenial stream which quenches and satisfies the soul's thirst forever!


From "Lochaber and its Evangelical Traditions. " ""Anne (Boyd) has been already mentioned as one of Mr. Macbean's admirers and followers . She held very definite convictions and acted upon them. One of her intimates was Anna Mhor Sheiseadair from Lewis , the sister of Ruairidh Dubh, who was one of the religious leaders of his day in Lewis . Anne Macleod, or Mrs Campbell, used to come to Lochaber and Fort Augustus waiting on Mr Macbean's preaching , and she was known in Lochaber as "Bean Mhor Lheodhais". Once it happened that perforce and without their cognisance Mr Macbean overheard their joint devotions as they prayed aloud together . He said afterwards that he felt ashamed to preach to hearers that had such insight into the truth. ""

the way

Psalm 15 v 2. He walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. His walk is rectitude. His ear drinks in the mighty mandate, "Walk before me and be thou perfect." A constant effort restrains from devious ways. His delight is in the study of God's holy law, and his whole life evinces effort to obey . His heart is guileless and his lips give proof . Pure is the inward fountain , and pure the flowing stream . Law

the way

Let this be our prayer, "Show me thy ways O Lord, teach me thy paths;" "Lead me in thy truth and teach me ;" " Lead me in the way everlasting ;" Whether it be amid the groves and singing streams and sunshine of Gerizim, or amid the "blackness and darkness and tempest, " of Ebal, I will hear the guiding voice saying , "Follow thou me ;" - "This is the way , walk ye in it ." "Lead, kindly light;amid the encircling gloom Lead Thou me on : The night is dark ,and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on . Keep Thou my feet, I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me. "I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldest lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path, but now Lead Thou me on . I loved the glare of day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will; remember not past years. " So long Thy power hath blessed me , sure it still Will lead me on. O'er vale and hill, through stream and torrent , t...

glorifing God

Jesus glorified God by obeying Him . In giving His commandments to Israel , God continually said , "Be ye holy , for I am holy ;" In keeping them they would be transformed into a life of harmony with Him, they would enter into fellowship with Him as the holy one . In His conflict with sin and Satan, in the sacrifice of His own will , in His waiting for the Father's teaching , in His unquestioning obedience to the word , Christ showed that He counted nothing worth living for, but that men might understand what a blessed thing it is to let the holy God really BE God , His will alone acknowledged and obeyed. Because He alone is holy, His will alone should be done , and so His glory be shown to us. A. Murray


Athanasius, referring to Christ being stripped of his garments, remarks, "It became Him when leading man into paradise to put off the garments which Adam received when he was cast out ." As if Christ thus took more completely our shame as well as our sin upon Him.


The main object of the mission which David received from God for all generations in the church was the composition of the Psalms. Indeed, he composed the Psalms , or a great part of them , in the midst of the most cruel sufferings . Just imagine that , overwhelmed by suffering , physical , moral and spiritual, you were called to write a Psalm , and in the very midst of all these sufferings , and at the very time when they were like those described in Psalm 38. , hymns began to ring out to the glory of God and for the instruction of the church! How David triumphs over himself , and how humiliating it is for us who, in our weakness, are obliged in most instances to wait until our sufferings are past before we can gather the fruit of them , both for ourselves and others! But David in his sufferings writes his Psalms . He writes Psalm 38. while he suffers persecutions , inner torments , the bitterness of sin. I know that one could say that David wrote Psalm 38 in cold blood , by tak...


Psalm.78:20 . can he give bread also ? Can he provide flesh for his people ? 21 Therefore the Lord heard this , and was wroth :so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel: 22. Because they believed not in God , and trusted not in his salvation; 23. Though he had commanded the clouds from above , and opened the doors of heaven. 24. And had rained down manna upon them to eat , and had given them of the corn of heaven. 25. Man did eat angel's food : he sent them meat to the full. 26.He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven; and by his power he brought in the south wind . 27. He rained flesh also upon them as dust , and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea: 28. And he let it fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations; 29So they did eat and were well filled: for he gave them their own desire; 30.They were not estranged from their lust. But while their meat was yet in their mouths, 31. The wrath of God came upon them, and s...


Hab.3.17. Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines ; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold; and there shall be no herd in the stalls; 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 19. The Lord God is my strength , and he will make my feet like hinds feet, and he will make me to walk up on mine high places....


Heavy afflictions are the best benefactors to heavenly affections . Where afflictions hang heaviest , corruptions hang loosest ; and grace that is hid in nature , as sweet water in rose leaves , is most fragrant when the fire of affliction is put under it to distil it out . Samuel Clark. Let all inquire whether this is in harmony with his experience , if it be so , let him testify to his tried brethren that he has tasted and handled of the goodness of the Lord Jesus, and has found him full of grace to help , and power to comfort . Open your mouth as wide in praise as you did in prayer, and let your gratitude be as lasting as his love .

Psalm. 18

V.30.As for God, perfect is his way: the Lord his word is try'd; He is a buckler to all those who do in him confide. 31. Who but the Lord is God ?but he who is a rock and stay? 32. Tis God who girdeth me with strength, and perfect makes my way.




The humble soul is like the violet, which grows low , hangs the head downwards, and hides itself with its own leaves, and were it not that the fragrant smell of its many virtues discovered him to the world , he would choose to live and die in self- contenting secrecy. T . Brooks They seem to be an endangered species in this day and age.

vain thoughts

"O Jerusalem , how long shall vain thoughts lodge within thee?"Jeremiah 4:14. It is not Satan casting in vain thoughts that can keep mercy from the soul, or undo the soul , but the lodging and cherishing of vain thoughts. They pass through the best of hearts , they are lodged and cherished only in the worst of hearts. Brooks

talents without sanctity

William Grimshaw to a lady who was expressing her admiration for a minister who had more talents than grace :- "Madam ", he said, "I am glad you never saw the devil . He has greater talents than all the ministers in the world. I fear, if you saw him , you would fall in love with him, as you have so high a regard for talents without sanctity. Pray, do not be led away with the sound of talents."


Isaiah. 44:22. "I have blotted out , as a thick cloud , thy transgressions, and as a cloud ,thy sins; return unto me, for I have redeemed thee".Micah. 7:18." Who is a God like unto thee; that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage ? He retaineth not his anger forever , because he delighteth in mercy." 19. "He will turn again , he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities ; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." The promises of God are a precious book; every leaf drops myrrh and mercy. Though the weak Christian cannot open , read and apply them, Christ can and will apply them to their souls. "I,I am he , blotting out thy transgressions


A king issues a decree. His oath is pledged that death will follow disobedience . A subject rebels . He is convicted . Execution is required. If the king hesitate, where is his faithfulness, and where is the majesty of his empire? But let the king's son , in the offender's stead , endure the penalty. Then the law is magnified , the statute is inviolate , the sacredness of the order rejoices , while the guilty lives. Thus , when Jesus suffers , Truth gains honour for its every saying and smells a sweet savour of content . Believer , rejoice in the cross . Here the Word , which had forged such mighty chains , finds , that it can only live in your life . It demands salvation for you ; for it has nothing against you , but all for you in the unalterable promise , "Whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish , but have everlasting life." Law

Dun Dubh & Bagh Norovik. Sheshader.




sunrise in Sheshader


Grianan , Sheshader.


The Sabbath

The seventh day God ' blest '. He uttered His mind concerning it , calling it a day of blessing; and in so doing , communicated to it ( as it were ) the power to impart blessing . This then is the primary meaning and object of the Sabbath. It is the day on which God specially blesses man. But more than this . It is added , 'He sanctified it '. He marked it off from all other days , as the tabernacle was marked off from all the tents of Israel. He drew a fence round it , which was not to be broken through. He set it apart for Himself , just as He set six days apart for man. It was to be His day, not man's; just as the altar was His altar , the laver ,His laver , not man's. And when ,or where , or how has God,s claim to a Sabbath been renounced? When has His setting apart been done away? Men speak and act as if this 'blessing' this 'sanctification ' of the day were a yoke not to be borne ; as if the Sabbath were a curse and not a blessing...

Eilean Glas & Grianan. Sheshader.



Romans . 11: 33. O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! how unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out! 34. For who hath known the mind of the Lord ? or who hath been his counsellor ? 35. Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again ? 36 . For of him , and through him , and to him , are all things: to whom be glory forever . Amen.


Man was formed . The smile of innocence met the smile of Heaven. The heart was only love - the worship only praise - But man was a creature, and a creature must obey. God cannot be but on a throne of rule . But obedience shall not be a heavy yoke . Only one command is issued. Only one tree forbidden. To transgress is death. Who can bear this penalty , and think that sin is a trivial fault - easily to be pardoned - soon to be effaced? The slightest sin is the soul in open rebellion. It casts God from the heart. It strives to tread Him in the dust . It avows the godless principle of independence . It proves that self has erected the idol of self-love. Can God then connive at evil ? Ah. no. The whole of Deity abhors it . Therefore to transgress is death . Such is the penalty . Who can fathom the depths of misery in this curse ? It involves the instant withdrawal of heavenly presence It denounces withering to the core of every spiritual faculty and perception. It warns that to ...


Anselm in his Meditations ,said, that all his life was damnable for sin committed, or unprofitable for good omitted, and at last concludes, "Oh, what then remains but in our whole life, to lament the sins of our whole life." So much the more God has been displeased with the blackness of sin, the more will he be pleased with the blushing of the sinner. (Bernard) They that do not now burn in zeal against sin, must before long burn in Hell for sin.


"Lord, if I may not be made glad with the light of thy countenance, grant that I may be made glad with nothing else; for joy without Thee is death."said an ancient believer. Do we know anything of this sorrow? Do we know what it is to sit alone and desolate , because Jesus is out of sight? If we do , then we should rejoice , even in the midst of our sadness; for this sadness is one of the marks of a believer- that we find all our peace and all our joy in union with the Saviour. But how different is this way with most, who know nothing of this sadness. they can be happy and contented with the world though they never had a sight of Jesus. They can have joy with their companions , though the blood of Jesus has never whispered peace to their soul. How obvious that they are hastening to the place where "there is no peace, saith my God to the wicked!"

The Word

Christ's teaching sums up and crowns the best thoughts of the wise in all ages and lands . It is throughout in affinity with reason. The just wholesome authority of the Church depends on the measure in which Christ's spirit dwells in her. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy." Therefore Christianity is the absolute religion. It is indeed God's final word to men. On the simple principle of the survival of the fittest, it is destined to perpetuity and to ultimate universality. Bruce


Faith is the highest star in the firmament of grace . High in its origin - for it is born in Heaven. Lowly in its abode - for it dwells on the earth in the hearts of the redeemed. Mighty are its deeds - for it prevails with God, and over sin and Satan. It treads down seeming impossibilities. It strides to victory over mountains of stupendous hindrance. It speeds to its haven through oceans , in which each billow is an overwhelming difficulty. It braces the Christian warrior for every combat , -giving a shield to screen, and a sword to subdue . It has a keen eye to discern things invisible . It reads the mind of God , as written on the tablets of eternity- as emblazoned on the cross of Christ- as wrapped up in the folds of providence. It enthrones Jesus, as king of the inner man. It kindles and fans the flame of love. It op[ens the lips of prayer and praise. It turns the current of life into a strong stream of spiritual service. It endures , until the gates of light open at...

Heaven and Hell

Antonio Guevara used to say , " That Heaven would be filled with such as had done good works, and Hell with such as intended to do them."


The Scottish Reformers were not singular in denouncing the Romish worship as idolatrous, and of the various parts of the worship , the mass was regarded as the most grossly idolatrous . Not to go beyond England , Bishop Bale said the mass is the most execrable idol on earth. "insufferable idolatry", "abominable idolatry" "intolerable blasphemy" and the "most wicked and devilish mass "it was called by Becon. Thomas Wright an eminent antiquary says :- "Nothing was ever more true than the stigma of idolatry applied by the early Reformers to the religion of Papal Rome. The Roman Catholic system was - and continues to be - a mixture of Christianity and Paganism, in which too generally the pure religion of the Gospel is stifled under the weighty superstructure."


" O sweet echo on the pilgrim's way Thrice welcome message from a land of light ; As through a clouded sky the moonbeams stray, So on eternity's deep shrouded night. Streams a mild radiance from that cheering word, 'So shall we be forever with the Lord'." What a volume is contained in these two words,"For Ever.!" To think that after ages have rolled by , still I shall be but on the threshold of immortal being , on the confines and outskirts of limitless life. My lifetime commensurate with that of God Himself. His throne is the centre of my bliss, eternity the circumference. "O Eternity !Eternity! " says one who has now entered on the reality. " it is thine to crown the joys above . Thou art the knot which bindeth the bundle of life together. Without the thought of thee, dim sadness would not spare the faces of the blessed; their songs would be marred with dreadful discordance, and all the blissful bowers would lose their charms." ...


Eternity. Dr . Chalmers confessed that the great mistake of his life lay in forgetting the greatness of Eternity. "That night, "says Ebenezer Erskine in recording in his diary the greatest spiritual crisis that he ever knew , "that night I got my head out of time into Eternity!" "The vastness of the word Eternity was impressed upon me , " says Andrew Bonar in his diary; and, a few months later , he says again ,"I strive to keep the feeling of Eternity always before me ." "Gentlemen ," exclaims old Rabbi Duncan to his students as he dismisses them at the end of the year's work, " many will be wishing you a Happy New Year. Your old tutor wishes you a happy Eternity.


"Oh, the clanging bells of Time! How their changes rise and fall; But in undertone sublime , Sounding clearly through them all Is a voice that must be heard , As our moments onward flee; And it speaketh aye one word,- Eternity! Eternity ! " Eternity ! Eternity ! It is one of the overpowering immensities of our faith, and preachers must make the most of it . The people are tired of trifles. The man who announces as his theme a subject that is beneath the dignity of the eternal harmonies can never have heard the music of the choir invisible . He can never have seen the Lord high and lifted up . He can never have seen the seraphs that sing continually: " Holy, Holy , Holy is the Lord of Hosts , the whole earth is full of His glory! "The lips that have been touched with the glowing coal from the altar can never again be lent to ecclesiastical frivolity. For the people are impatient with trivialities. The hearts of men are hungry for the most stupendous themes . ...


Such are the rewards provided for those who make sacrifices for Christ's sake . Their sacrifices are but a seed sown in tears , from which they afterwards reap a plentiful harvest in joy .But what now of those who have made no sacrifices , who have received no wounds in battle.? If this has proceeded not from lack of will , but lack of opportunity, they will get a share of the rewards. David's law has its place in the divine kingdom:"As his part is that goeth down to the battle , so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff; they shall part alike." Only all must see to it that they remain not by the stuff from cowardice , or indolence or self- indulgence. They who act thus , declining to put themselves to any trouble, to run any risk, or even so much as to part with a sinful lust for the kingdom of God , cannot expect to find a place therein at the last.


The world that is most opposed to Christ, Antichrist itself , is to be found , not in Heathendom ,but in Christiandom; not among the irreligious and the sceptical, but among those who account themselves the peculiar people of God.

Psalm 37:v 11.

But the meek shall inherit the earth: and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The" meek" are they who bear their own adversities, and the prosperity of their enemies, without envy, anger, or complaint. For these there is a possession in the kingdom and city of the Prince of "Peace", which "the Lord ,the righteous Judge shall give them at that day. Blessed are the meek ", saith the Lord and Judge himself, " for they shall inherit the earth,"-Matthew.5v 5." In the meantime ,they, and they only, possess the present earth, as they go toward the kingdom of heaven, by being humble ,and cheerful ,and content with what their good God has allotted them. They have no turbulent , repining , vexatious thoughts that they deserve better; nor are vexed when they see others possessed of more honour, or more riches, than their wise God has allotted for their share. But they possess what they have with a meek and contented quietness; suc...


O God the heathen have come into thine inheritance, thy holy temple they have defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. Three deplorable calamities are here enumerated by the faithful; the alienation of God's inheritance , the profanation of the sanctuary, and the desolation of the beloved city. When we represent in our prayers, the sufferings and humiliation of the church, we take an effectual method of awakening the compassion, and recalling the favour of heaven. Every redeemed soul is the inheritance , the temple , the city of God . When sin enters , and takes possession , the inheritance is alienated, the temple defiled, the city desolated.


A God unknown in time shall be fearfully known in eternity.

Donald Cargill

Donald Cargill was born about the year 1610 in the parish of Rattray , in Perthshire . His father was desirous of providing for his son a good education, and was resolved to make him a minister of the Gospel. Actuated by much love for Christ , his father entreated him to give the matter serious consideration. Donald set apart a day for seeking , by fasting and prayer, direction from on high as to his future course. As he pondered and prayed, the words of the man on the sapphire throne to the prophet Ezekiel made a deep impression on him, " Son of Man , eat this roll , and go speak unto the house of Israel." He felt that he could no longer forbear to comply with his father's request and set about making preparations to become an ambassador for Christ . These very words were the text assigned young Cargill by the presbytery before ordination . This singular fact would confirm him in the resolution to which he had come , and stimulate him to make a close acquaintance with ...


We cannot be too familiar with the story of the martyrs. Thier sufferings secured our liberties. The brief reign of the wretched queen Mary was made ever glorious by the burning of some of England's noblest witnesses. Hooper ,Taylor, Saunders, Bradford, and Rogers, were among the first to suffer. Ridley and Latimer were chained to one stake at Oxford, and therefore bore testimony in one fire to the power of truth. "My breakfast may be sharp, but I am sure my supper will be most s weet " said the noble Ridley . "I shall go to bed, and God willing , shall sleep as quietly tonight as ever I did in my life." The next morning he and Latimer walked praying to the stake. Embracing Latimer , Ridley said ," Be of good heart brother, for God will either assuage the fury of the flames, or else strengthen us to abide it." Then it was Latimer's turn to triumph . As the lighted torch was placed on the faggots, Latimer cried out , "Be of good comfort...


The Lord of life Himself slept for a little while in the tomb, and then rose up in the morning; so He has become "the first fruits of them that slept." " I went down Death's lonely stair, Laid my garments in the tomb; Dressed again one morning fair, Hastened up and hied me home- Saith the Elder Brother. "Then I will not be afraid Any ill can come to me: When 'tis time to go to bed , I will rise and go to Thee- Saith the little brother."

Richard Cameron

Falkland , in Fifeshire , was the birthplace of Richard Cameron. The passer by may still see the house in which he was born. His father , who was a merchant in the burgh, appears to have been very eager to secure for his son the benefit of a good education. However sanguine the father's hopes may have been , he probably little dreamt of the prominent part his son was destined to take in the affairs of both the Church and nation. Neither could he have anticipated that touching scene at that prison in Edinburgh when the head and hands of his son Richard were handed to him, having been carried from Ayresmoss , where he fell:- "I know, I know them ,"said the aged father as he kissed them; "they are my son's , my own dear son's ; it is the Lord; good is the will of the Lord, who cannot wrong me or mine, but has made goodness and mercy to follow us all our days." Richard was born an Episcopalian, and for many years remained in connection with that Church .He ...


Doubtless the piety of the martyrs was rendered more sterling, and shone forth more brilliantly , by reason of the afflictions wherewith they were afflicted. Trees of righteousness, they were pruned that they would bring forth more fruit; jewels of gold they were put into the furnace-heated seven times- that the pearls of their graces might sparkle by the fiery trial. He who sat as the Refiner and Purifier brought out more clearly His own image on them. The piety of the martyrs was eminent, because it rested on right foundations- on the doctrines of the Book of Inspiration. It rested , not on the rubbish of self-righteousness, not on the sand of self-will, but on the everlasting rock of revealed truth. Those eminent saints believed in the great doctrines of election- sovereign, absolute; predestination; the total depravity of human nature by the fall; the substitution of Christ in the room of sinners; regeneration by the Spirit alone; justification by faith alone in the righte...

Martin Luther

,Martin Luther was in his boyhood so poor that he went about the streets of the city singing songs for a little money to buy food to keep him from starving. But he was a faithful student , and God raised up friends for him, and made him , at last , the great and useful man that he was . On a cold dark night , when the wind was blowing hard , Conrad , a worthy citizen of a little town in Germany , sat playing his flute , while Ursula , his wife , was preparing supper. They heard a voice singing outside ; "Foxes to their holes have gone , Every bird into its nest; But I wander here alone , And for me there is no rest." Tears filled the old man's eyes as he said ,"What a pity that voice should be spoiled by being tried in such weather!" I think it is the voice of a child . Let us open the door and see," said his wife , who had lost a little boy not long before , and whose heart was opened to take pity on the little wanderer. Conrad opened the door , and saw a ...


"The Gospel of the grace of God ," said Martin Luther, "is like a flying summer shower, it drops here and there and then passes on ." Let us beware lest these lands are receiving the latter drops of this shower of blessing, and lest already the shower is passing away. Other nations as highly evangelised and as well established as we, have gone back in the roll of the nations; ashes and dust hide their perished glories. Throughout lands once full of Bibles and privilege there now rises the minaret by the side of the mosque, from which goes forth the doleful proclamation, "There is no God but God, and Mahomet is his prophet." In this hour of our peril, our whole efforts should be directed to the restoration of the work of the Covenanted Reformation; this is the hope and safety of the nation. It was by the grand Scriptural principles in the maintenance and application on which the Covenanting struggle was waged that the foundation of our civil ...

Spiritual degeneration

It is demonstratively evident , that these isles of the sea,Britain and Ireland, once famous for reformation, have now of a long time , not only been making themselves captains to return back to their Egyptian bondage of anti-Christian delusion, but also by a rapid movement are taking a straight course with crowded sails back into the gloomy shades of heathen darkness, from both of which they were once, by the good hand of our God ,happily delivered . It might once have been said to us, as to Israel of old, "O Israel(O Britain) who is like unto thee? a people saved by the Lord." Our " Shittim was then well watered; our desert blossomed as the rose! Our beauty was like an olive tree, and our smell as Lebanon." Here was a "river that made glad the city of our God!" even the pure preached Gospel which replenished the hungry and refreshed the souls of many. Our renowned ancestors braved all hazards, in handing down a system of pure Gospel truths to us . ...

False Prophets

2.Corinthians 11v 13. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14.And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness: whose end shall be according to their works.


With all thy heart, with all thy soul and mind, Thou must Him love, and His behests embrace; All other loves-with which the world doth blind Weak fancies, and stir up affections base- Thou must renounce, and utterly displace; And give thyself unto Him full and free, That full and freely Gave Himself to thee. Spenser

The Sabbath .

They who oppose the Sabbath are standing in the position of men who are enemies of one the brightest blessings and best birthrights that a nation can possess. They need not wonder that we should feel strongly the robbery they seek to perpetrate. They are robbing us and our children of that which is worth more than a kingdom's riches, and which we will not part with without a struggle. And they, themselves , were they men in earnest , should feel the seriousness of the position they assume . If they are in earnest, it must have cost them much pain bofore they could bring themselves to the conclusion that there is no Sabbath. In arguing with the athiest , who denies a God , we can appeal to him and say, if you are in earnest ,it must have been with the profoundest grief, that you have come to the conclusion that there is no God, no infinite good, no being of infinite love. In reasoning with the infidel, who sets aside the Scriptures, we can say, If you be in earnest, it must have co...

The Sabbath

................that Christ came to diminish our store of blessings during the present dispensation:- that He has narrowed instead of enlarging our privileges: as if He had made the announcement ,"Israel was blessed with a Sabbath, but I cancel that blessing: Israel had Sabbath privileges and Sabbath joys, I blot them out: Israel was called on to give the seventh of his time to God, but I set you free from all restraint, to do with your time just as you please ." Thus we have according to these men , fewer privileges, fewer blessings than Israel. And is this what Christ came to do.? Was it for this that the Son of God took flesh and died.? If they shrink from this , then they must maintain that the Sabbath is not a blessing:- That it is an unwholesome , unnatural, intolerable restraint;- a weariness, a bondage ,a curse. And indeed this is the basis and drift of their reasoning's , if they have any meaning at all. These men ,evidently have the secret feeling , that th...

False Prophets.

Ezekiel.13:8. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD;Because ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore , behold, I am against you, saith the Lord GOD. 9.And mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD. We have been the word of God which is "holy and just and good " given by inspiration of God "and is profitable for doctrine , for reproof , for correction ,for instruction in righteousness." and nothing can be more offensive to God than a corruption of that which is Holy and just and good coming from so-called preachers , seeking vain-glory for themselves, not for correction or instruction ,but for "seduction " and even to the ultimate destruction of hearers to whom the message is "peace";and there is n...

False prophets

Richard Baxter said"Nothing can be more indecent than to hear a dead preacher speaking to dead sinners the living truth of the living God". McCheyne said. "I had rather that no voice should be heard(in his pulpit) than" the voice of strangers", from whom Christ's sheep will flee. Silence in the pulpit will not edify souls ,but it does not ruin them. And how much of this do we get in our day.Dead preachers seeking self-glory scattering the flock of God. Ezekiel 34 vs 2&3. Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say unto them. Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds: woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks.? Ye eat the fat,and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flock.

Lewis "Revivals"

From a booklet by Rev.K.A.Macrae, Stornoway. "Under the name of revival the faith mission, an organisation thoroughly Arminian in doctrine and practice, unmistakenly of the school of Finney, appeared in Skye and Lewis, as the propogators of a great revival movement. This effort , according to the account given by the mission, has been most successful, and hundreds are said to have been converted.In Lewis especially, so it is said, religion had come to a very low pass, and the people were wholly given over to materialism. The House of God was largely forsaken, and in some districts the prayer meeting had faded out. So distressing was the state of religion in the Island, that according to the account of the revival given by the Rev. Duncan Campbell at the Keswick Convention in 1952, the Free Church Presbytery in October 1949, found it necessary to call a special meeting in Stornoway, "to discuss among other things, the appaling drift away from the Church, especially the younger...