
Doubtless the piety of the martyrs was rendered more sterling, and shone forth more brilliantly , by reason of the afflictions wherewith they were afflicted. Trees of righteousness, they were pruned that they would bring forth more fruit; jewels of gold they were put into the furnace-heated seven times- that the pearls of their graces might sparkle by the fiery trial. He who sat as the Refiner and Purifier brought out more clearly His own image on them.
The piety of the martyrs was eminent, because it rested on right foundations- on the doctrines of the Book of Inspiration. It rested , not on the rubbish of self-righteousness, not on the sand of self-will, but on the everlasting rock of revealed truth. Those eminent saints believed in the great doctrines of election- sovereign, absolute; predestination; the total depravity of human nature by the fall; the substitution of Christ in the room of sinners; regeneration by the Spirit alone; justification by faith alone in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ; the perseverance of the saints; an eternal hell; and an eternal heaven. The martyrs' piety had its roots in the everlasting Covenant, and drew its inspiration from the everlasting God. The doctrine of sovereign grace- of God all in all in the plan, execution , and application of redemption, was the soil on which their piety flourished- the doctrine of Knox , of Luther; of Augustine ; of Paul ; of Him who came from the Father's bosom to do the Father's will, for said He ; "No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me , draw him." By reason of their belief in these doctrines, the martyrs cast forth their roots as Lebanon and stood forth majestic as the cedars- because, "Thou hast a favour unto them."

" When the righteous had fallen. and the combat had ended,
A chariot of fire through the dark cloud descended.
Its drivers were angels on horses of whiteness,
And its burning wheels turned on axles of brightness.

"And a seraph unfolded the door bright and shining,
All dazzling like gold of the seventh refining:
And the souls that had come out of great tribulation,
They mounted the chariots and steeds of salvation.

"On the arch of the rainbow the chariot is gliding.
Through the path of the thunder the horsemen are riding;
Glide swiftly, bright spirits, the prize is before you,
A crown never fading, a kingdom of glory."

From Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland


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