
"The Gospel of the grace of God ," said Martin Luther, "is like a flying summer shower, it drops here and there and then passes on ." Let us beware lest these lands are receiving the latter drops of this shower of blessing, and lest already the shower is passing away. Other nations as highly evangelised and as well established as we, have gone back in the roll of the nations; ashes and dust hide their perished glories. Throughout lands once full of Bibles and privilege there now rises the minaret by the side of the mosque, from which goes forth the doleful proclamation, "There is no God but God, and Mahomet is his prophet."
In this hour of our peril, our whole efforts should be directed to the restoration of the work of the Covenanted Reformation; this is the hope and safety of the nation. It was by the grand Scriptural principles in the maintenance and application on which the Covenanting struggle was waged that the foundation of our civil and religious liberties were laid. If these liberties are to be conserved and transmitted in their entirety to coming generations, those great principles must be believed in and applied . Who could persuade themselves that the superstructure could stand , when the foundations are being removed.?
From a sermon preached in Greyfriars' Churchyard, Edinburgh, on Sabbath 20th June 1880, on the Bi-centenary of the Covenanting struggle.


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