Spiritual degeneration

It is demonstratively evident , that these isles of the sea,Britain and Ireland, once famous for reformation, have now of a long time , not only been making themselves captains to return back to their Egyptian bondage of anti-Christian delusion, but also by a rapid movement are taking a straight course with crowded sails back into the gloomy shades of heathen darkness, from both of which they were once, by the good hand of our God ,happily delivered . It might once have been said to us, as to Israel of old, "O Israel(O Britain) who is like unto thee? a people saved by the Lord." Our "Shittim was then well watered; our desert blossomed as the rose! Our beauty was like an olive tree, and our smell as Lebanon." Here was a "river that made glad the city of our God!" even the pure preached Gospel which replenished the hungry and refreshed the souls of many. Our renowned ancestors braved all hazards, in handing down a system of pure Gospel truths to us . They separated and set apart themselves to the Lord, They set the crown upon the head of Immanuel. Our "Jerusalem was like a city, and carved like a palace." And who then could behold Scotland and no cry out," How goodly are thy tents ,O Jacob?and thy curtains O Israel.?"
"Alas , how far are we degenerated from them!" How is that glorious work of Reformation tarnished, which in its very first dawn displayed more than a meridian brightness! Has any nation of the world so far changed their glory for that which is their shame as we have done ? We have well nigh now quitted mount Zion, and shifted ground towards the valley of Hinnom. Nay , such is our temerity that it will not suffice us to dessert the walls, unless we also storm the citadel, by a stated emulation, who can go furthest and run fastest from that depositum of truth left us by our forefathers. Christ is exauthorated from His Kingly office, and His crown and dignity complimented to another. The Lord has not been ashamed to avow His covenant relation to us; but we have not only been ashamed to own, but have even denied our covenant relation to Him. "The fear of the Lord is taught by the precepts of men."
"The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest of men are exalted ." Ah! degenerate Britain! Ah ungrateful Ireland! "Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people?"
"This is a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation."
John Howie. March 19th, 1779.
How far have we degenerated since?


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