water of life

"There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water.Jesus saith unto her , give me to drink." John.4. 7.

Each one of us must come , at one time or another, to have a personal dealing with Christ.  It may be at one of those crisis - hours of existence, of which few are ignorant, when the even flow of life's current is arrested; when, to use the suggestive simile of this narrative , the pitcher is drained and emptied, and we are summoned away from our Shechem-homes and broken cisterns to seek supplies of some better 'living water'.  It may be at a dying hour : it MUST be on the great day of judgement.  Blessed for us if that solemn and all momentous conference and interview has already taken place;  if we have already listened  to His words of wondrous mercy,  let down our vessel for the draught in the deep well of His love, and drank of that perenial stream which quenches and satisfies the soul's thirst forever!


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