
"Oh, the clanging bells of Time!
How their changes rise and fall;
But in undertone sublime ,
Sounding clearly through them all
Is a voice that must be heard ,
As our moments onward flee;
And it speaketh aye one word,-
Eternity! Eternity ! "

Eternity ! Eternity !
It is one of the overpowering immensities of our faith, and preachers must make the most of it . The people are tired of trifles. The man who announces as his theme a subject that is beneath the dignity of the eternal harmonies can never have heard the music of the choir invisible . He can never have seen the Lord high and lifted up . He can never have seen the seraphs that sing continually: " Holy, Holy , Holy is the Lord of Hosts , the whole earth is full of His glory! "The lips that have been touched with the glowing coal from the altar can never again be lent to ecclesiastical frivolity. For the people are impatient with trivialities. The hearts of men are hungry for the most stupendous themes . They like great preaching . the big subjects draw the big crowds. Little children amidst city-squalor love to put the sea shells to their ears because in them they catch the murmur of fathomless seas and limitless oceans ; and children of a larger growth turn from much that is sordid in the environment to the preacher who helps them to hear the music of the infinite.


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