
Such are the rewards provided for those who make sacrifices for Christ's sake . Their sacrifices are but a seed sown in tears , from which they afterwards reap a plentiful harvest in joy .But what now of those who have made no sacrifices , who have received no wounds in battle.? If this has proceeded not from lack of will , but lack of opportunity, they will get a share of the rewards. David's law has its place in the divine kingdom:"As his part is that goeth down to the battle , so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff; they shall part alike." Only all must see to it that they remain not by the stuff from cowardice , or indolence or self- indulgence. They who act thus , declining to put themselves to any trouble, to run any risk, or even so much as to part with a sinful lust for the kingdom of God , cannot expect to find a place therein at the last.


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