Wisdom of God

How admirable is the wisdom of God , how great his goodness , in ordering the constitution even of a fallen world !How manifold are his provisions of his care and kindness for alleviating the ills which sin has caused ! Far from leaving us to spend at random the season of his forbearance , as instinct or passion might blindly prompt  - God establishes a rule or system , whose salutary operation , even those who continue to set at naught its gracious design , are compelled practically to feel . It is that system - based on the principles of holy marriage , of lawful magistracy , and of laborious mastery over the soil that is to be cultivated , and the animals that may be slain , for food , - which alone hinders this globe from becoming a scene such as devils , and none but devils , could delight to witness . It is true that no mere external arrangements can of themselves secure the present or final welfare of any of Noah's children; all such arrangements are liable to perversion and abuse . Still , without their due observance , life is but a compound of license , disorder , and precarious subsistence  or pining famine ! Purity , peace and plenty flourish in any community , mainly in proportion as these ordinances are honoured and obeyed . And they place each individual man in the best possible position for escaping , through grace , the corruption that is in the world through lust , and laying hold on the blessed hope of everlasting life , to which , by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , believers are begotten again .


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