Prayers and Tears

"Father save me from this hour ."
"O my Father , if it be possible , let this cup pass from me ."

These expressions are to be viewed as the dictates of his human feelings , and as merely indicating his aversion to suffering ; thereby showing that he was really and truly man , since he had all the natural sensibilities and feelings of a man .  But while shrinking with an instinctive dread from the bitter cup put into his hands , he expressed at the same time his readiness to drink it , if such was his Father's will . "O my Father , if this cup may not pass from me , except I drink it , thy will be done ."The object of his prayer was not deliverance from death otherwise than in the way of his actually enduring it . What he desired was , to be enabled to endure it , and thereafter and by that means to be delivered from it . . He had no ability in himself as man , to bear the curse of the law , and would have sunk under it if his humanity had not been divinely strewngthened and upheld ; and as the Father had promised to give him the Holy Spirit without measure for that purpose , his prayer was that , through Divine strength imparted to his human nature , he might not sink under his sufferings , but to be carried through them , so as to satisfy to the utmost the law's claims;  and then , having fulfilled allrighteousness, to receive a legal discharge , and thus be saved from death , and from all further liability to it , and made blessed forevermore with the light of God's countenance .   M. Murray


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