
You who are indeed the Lord's people , redeemed not with corruptible things , such as silver and gold , but with the precious blood of the Saviour's body and the travail of his tender soul . what , in equity and gratitude , do you owe him for his generous interest in your happiness ? If love could ever beget a corresponding kindness , can the devotion of your lives , your time , your talents , and your substance , be at all an adequate requital of his unparelled friendship ? Study to increase his satisfaction by seeking the daily renewal of your spirits , the daily crucifixion of your lusts and passions , and a daily growing conformityto his lovely image . Let him see the fruit of his pain in your devotedness to his service , and your continued advancement in grace and godliness . Let your communion with him be constant . And remember that , though now in glory , he is not an indifferent spectator of your conduct . His eye is upon you . He still suffers when any part of his church suffers from sin and backsliding , and still rejoices when it prospers and flourishes . Your soul is daily visited by the master of the vineyard . Let his heart rejoice by daily finding on it more fruit . And as you are his disciples , bear in mind , as an important branch of practical godliness , that he has a claim to your substance as well as to your person ; and while lukewarm professors are sitting at ease , and refuse to deny themselves the most trifling indulgence , let a large portion of your means be employed in sending forth his gospel , and spreading his truth from pole to pole . Bring presents , and offer gifts , that the nations may be glad and sing with joy - that men may be blessed in him , and all nations call him blessed . Every other use to which you can apply your substance will perish with those perishable bodies on which you lavish your care . But even the widow's mite , willingly spent in the cause of Christ , derives importance from the grandeur of the object to which it is devoted . It is a contribution toward the accomplishment of his great design , which fills and satisfies the Saviours soul , when his glorious name shall be blessed forever , and the whole earth shall be filled with his glory .


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