His Love

Love in the creature ever presupposes some good , trrue or apparent in the thing loved , by which the affection of union is drawn . But the love of God on the contrary , causes all good to be produced in the creature . He first loved us in the free purpose of His will , and thence works good for us and in us . And hence comes the unchangeableness of God's love towards us because it is founded in Himself , and in the stableness of the good pleasure of His own will . And as we may be comforted as we onserve our love to Him ; yet it is far greater comfort drawn from the consideration of His love to us ; as being not only the ground of the other , but in Him also infinite , and unchangeable . And , hereupon , it was that the sisters of Lazarus seeking help for their sick brother sent Christ word , not that he ,who loved Him but that "he whom He loved , was sick .


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