God's Providence

It will forever be esteemed a miracle of God's providence , that he should make the captivity or wicked sale of Joseph , by means of so many windings , perplexed mazes , and strange occurences , issue at last in his own exaltation , and the preservation of his brethren , who impiously sold him . But if any one , though endowed woith the tongue of angels and men , should attempt to describe the mystery of divine wisdom , whereby it is evident theat God exalts his own name , and not only recovers his former honour , but even raises it , manifests his justice , preserves inviolable his right and dominion in pardoning sin , wherewith he is highly pleased and incredibly delighted ( and unless this heavenly discovery , a truly God - like invention , had intyervened , he could not have pardoned even the least sin ), he must feel his language not only deficient , but the eye of the mind , overpowered with light , will fill him with awe and amazement . That which is the grearest , yea , the only disgrace and affront to God , should turn out to his highest honour and glory ; that that which could not be permitted to triumph without the greatest injury to the justice , right , holiness and truth of God , should find grace and pardon , to the eternal and glorious display of justice , right , holiness and truth  ,- was a work that required infinite wisdom , an arduous task , and every way worthy of God Let us constantly contemplate in the mirror of this truth the holiness of God , whereby "he is of purer eye than to behold evil ," in " whose presence the wicked shall not stand ," that we ourselves may become more pure in heart , and more holy in life , speech , and behaviour .


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