The Sabbath

And God blessed the seventh day , and sanctified it ; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Genesis 2 . 1-3. )
The rest of God is not physical repose after weariness or fatigue , nor is it absolute inactivity . During the period of his rest ,from that first day of rest downwards until now , he worketh still (John 5:17) ; and he must continually work for the continual  preservation of his creatures 9Psalm 104 . 28 :29 ). But he pauses from his work of creation ,- from the creation of new kinds and orders of beings ; though he still carries on his works of providence . He rests from all his works which he has made . He rests and is "refreshed " (Exodus 31: 17). And his original day of rest is blessed and sanctified .Into the rest of God , with all its blessedness and sanctity, man at first might enter ; and hence the seventh day , as the day which was the beginning of the rest of God , became the "Sabbath made for man"To the people of God still , in every age , there is a promise that they shall again enter into his rest . And the promise is still subsisting . For the rest of Canaan was not that rest , but only its type and shadow . So the apostle Paul argues , building his arguement on that solemn denunciation in the 95th Psalm  - "I sware in my wrath , they shall not enter into my rest , "   "For if Joshua had given them rest , then would he not afterward spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God " And as the rest still remains for the people of God , so also the day of rest , which is its type and earnest :- the blessed and holy Sabbath ,


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