"A Time to Dance"

There is a 'time to dance' , not with carnal revelry , not with those amusements that the devil has invented in order to drown souls in eternal perdition ; but to dance as David danced before the ark . Not as the daughter of Herodias danced , but as Miriam on the shore of the Red Sea . Not the dancing of the children of Israel round the golden calf , but of " the virgin of Israel who go fotrth in the dances of them that make merry ." [Jer. 31. 4.]The dancing of which the Psalmist speaks ,"Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing ";that is , to dance with inward joy , to leap in one's soul at the presence of the Lord , as the infant John leaped in his mother's womb , to dance before the Lord with solemnity of spirit , and yet feeling such powerful emotions within , as though the heart would dance in ones bosom .
   Have you never felt , when the Lord dropped a sweet word of consolation into your conscience , what emotions filled your bosom beyond utterance , and how there was such an inward palpitation of soul , such an inward leaping of your heart in your bosom , that you could spiritually dance before the Lord , thouigh it never affected one limb of your body , or broke out into outward gestures ? This , then is the way in which the saints of old danced , and this is the way in which the saints dance now ; not with carnal mirth , and wanton tripping of the feet ,not with ungodly revelry , but in the inward spirit before God , dancing and leaping with joy to the praise of His name . "Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King ; let them praise His name in the dance ; let them sing praises unto Him with the Timbrel and the Harp ."
     But these times and seasons are in the Father's hands ; and "what God has joined together , let no man put asunder ." Never talk of healing , till you can talk of killing ; never think of being built up , until you have been broken down ; never expect to laugh , until you have been taught to weep ; and never hope to dance , until you hjave learned to mourn . Such only as are taught of God can enter into the real experience of these things ; and into them , sooner or later , each according to his measuree , does God the Holy Spirit lead all the ransomed family of Zion .


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