
But sin goeth in disguise , and thence is welcome ; like Judas it kisses and kills ; like Joab , it salutes and slays . George Swinnock .

The arts that sin uses to disguise itself .  If sin were not an ugly thing , would it wear a mask? And if did not have evil designs , would it walk in disguise and change its name ? Truth is not ashamed of its name or nakedness ; it can walk openly and boldly . Sin , on the contrary , is a cheat , a lie , and therefore lurks privily and puts on false names and colours ; for if it were to appear as itself - as it sooner or later do to all , either for conversion or confusion - it would frighten men into dying fits , as it did the Apostle , and when they come to themselves they would abhor and hate it , as Paul and the Prodigal did . Men would never be so hardy in sinning but that sin hardens them by deceiving them ; so the Apostle says , " Take heed lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin " [Hebrews 3: 13]     Ralph Venning


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