The Work of the Spirit

It is the Spirit that enables and persuades the soul to come to Christ ; and He that sends the Spirit on this work is Christ himself . Can he commission his Spirit to bring a soul to him to be rejected ? Can he , if I may use such language , send the Holy Ghost on an idle errand ? It is impossible . Can the persons of the one Godhead so counteract each others portion of the work of grace , as that the Spirit shall begin the work , by bringing a soul to Christ , and then the Son make all of no avail , by refusing to receive it . ? Perish forever the thought ! for "whom he called them he also justified ; and whom he justified , them he also glorified ." Yes , the Spirit sets his mark on every soul he brings to Jesus , and sprinkles it with the Saviour's blood ; and no destroying angel can ever make that soul a prey .


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