
Our life is valueless , our future dark , so long as it cannot be said of us , as it was said of Moses ,  the Lord is become our God !  And how does he , the Holy One , become God of such unworthy sinners as ourselves ? Here my eye rests upon a scene , in view of which all of Sinai's glory pales , and the angels that gave out the law but veil their faces in deep reverence .Fifteen long centuries have passed since Moses bowed in prayer , and now the mountains of the Promised Land beholds another One who prays during the quiet hours of the night ; the solitudes hear the Man speak with God , as if a child addressed the father whom he loved . Moses has been our theme until now , but how could we here end with him , when we know one who is mediator of another and far better covenant ? On Sinai , Moses prays for a rebellious nation ; on Golgotha , you hear Jesus pleading for His executioners when He was being crucified . Moses invokes God for His grace toward Israel only ; Jesus for the same grace to sinners of all tribes and tongues ,and peoples and nations ,- yea , even towards you and me , in all our guilt . Moses but offers to make his own life a sacrifice for sin , while Jesus actually gives His life as a ransom for many . Moses obtains for Israel no more than mitigation of a penalty , not full forgiveness ; Jesus can bestow a full salvation on all those who come to God by Him . Moses expires when he has watched and prayed for forty years , seeking the good of Israel ; but Jesus ever lives , appearing in God's presence for our interest . Nay , Israel , we do not envy you of this your prayerful mediator ; we thank God that we look unto a higher one . While other men rank Moses high among the saints , and earnestly desire that he may pray for sinners , this is our sole wish , that we may have an intercessor with our God in Him whose way even Moses has prepared . And we have blessed comfort in the certainty that He shall intercede if we come to Him as sinners Nay , Jesus does not say like Moses , "Peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin ." Even though your sins were red as scarlet , only believe ; then ,through His intercession , they shall be covered , blotted out . But if you have indeed found peace in Him , then see to it , Ye Christians , that no praying Moses put you  to shame henceforth as heretofore ! Moses must lead you unto Christ , but Christ bestows on you the Holy Ghost , who gives you power to become , not merely such as Moses was ,- though even that were much ,- but even more than he . Disciples of the Lord , then go to Him , and ask that He Himself may teach you by His word and Spirit how to pray aright !  Ye soldiers of the cross , members of the Church militant on earth , kneel daily , ere you gird your weapons on ; so that surely you shall be much more than conquerors !Ye who are faithful to your native land and to the Church , pray , even as Moses , the more earnestly  the more you see decline around ; were but the spirit of true prayer more fully asked for and bestowed , there would be less reason , and less inclination also , to complain . Ye whom the world misunderstands and wrongs , learn , like the prayerful Moses ,- Nay, like Jesus in His sufferings ,- to bless them that curse you , and to pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you . Ye fellow travellers to  the same celestial Canaan ! the path is steep , the time remaining may be short , your best strength may be spent ; then let us promise to each other and the Lord that we shall pray more earnestly for one another , and that we shall thus complete what is , alas  still wanting in our mutual love . Ye children of the dust , a few more moments and our footmarks here on earth shall disappear , even as Israel's in yonder wilderness . But yet ,what matters that , if so be the story of our inner life , like that of Moses on this earth , can be comprised in words like these , recorded in Heaven's chronicle : " He was a man of prayer and faith ."?  As Moses ascended to meet with God , so let us quickly shake earth's dust from off our wings , and through eternity  enjoy the blessedness of which he had refreshing foretaste in those forty days . To none of His own chosen ones shall God say on that holy mount , "Go get thee down."


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