Gift of God

As it is altogether a gratuitous gift of God , we must not presume to bring a price in our hands , or to offer anything of our own as an equivalent . We must humbly apply for and thankfully accept it . The terms we must leave to the Donor ; he alone has a right to appoint them ; and he has done in the clearest and most satisfactory manner . He has declared , that as he is "well pleased "with the righteousness of Jesus Christ , he requires in every applicant an entire submission to it , or an unreserved dependence upon it . No other trust can be allowed to intrude , no other plea to be offered , but to such a reliance on the Saviour , where all personal merit is renounced , the blessing is promised and infallibly secured ; that is ,"Justified by faith without the deeds of the law ." Romans 3:28    Robinson's Christian System


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