
Psalm 83 :-"Keep not thou silence ,O God ; hold not thy peace , and be not still , O God ."
"He that cometh to God , must believe that he is ." and that he is Love ; really present ; both seeing and hearing ; the rewarder of all who diligently seek him ; many worship they know not what ; "a god of their own imagining , to whom they say prayers ; but neither look for ,nor expect any answer ; satisfied with unmeaning petitions . This is not to worship the true God , the fountain of all intelligence , who is the heared and answerer of all prayer , and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth . He who uttered the words ,"Keep not thou silence O God ," addressed himself to the living and true God ; to a God whose ear he knew was open to his prayers , whose almighty aid he besought and entreated ; a God that would help him ,and deliver him from his oppressors


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