Walk with God

"He walked with me in peace and uprightness , and did turn many away from iniquity ."Malachi 2:6.
These inspiring words , especially the last clause might well hang in the secret chamber of every servant of God . They were specially prizes by R M McCheyne , whose life was a beautiful exemplar of their meaning .You will notice that the covenant dates back to the righteous zeal of Phinehas for the honour of God (Numbers 25) . How well God remembers these things , and writes them in ineffaceable characters on the tablets of his memory ! But what a contrast between that noble ancestry and the degenerate successors of Malachi's days .
Do you want to turn away from iniquity? You must walk with God , hourly , constantly , in blessed and intimate fellowship , learning from Him who you are to approach , what line you are to follow in dealing with them , and the message you are to deliver .You must expect to come into collision with them ; they are coming in one direction , while God and you will be going in just the reverse . But go on walking with God ; fear his fear ; know the terror of losing his companionship, even for a moment ; be perfectly transparent in speech and life ; let your lips be weighted with his message only . The result will more than compensate . Yours will be the abundant life , and yours the peace which is unspeakable ; yours will be the uprightness of soul which carries the Divine radiance on its face , and yours the joy in arresting the way of transgressors and sinners . . Plead the promise , "Lord , let me be used to turn many from iniquity ," and notice that this blessed result will accrue much less from what you say than from what you are . It was Levi's walk and converse with God , more even than his words , that produced this wholesome reformation .


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