The Lord's Presence

Perhaps your soul may at times , be cast down and distressed; but remember , when friends are absent , the Lord Jesus is present . The chief Shepherd is for ever near you ; and He who laid down His life for you , will doubtless make your comfort and welfare His care . Let your faith but repose aright upon the Saviour's love , and nothing will seem dark on this side of the grave , and all appear light beyond it . If at times you sow in sorrow , you will doubtless reap in joy . . Hear your Lord saying ,"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee ." Above all hear Him saying ,"My grace is sufficient for thee , Lo , I am with you always , even to the end of the world ." What more can you desire ? Jesus always with you -  can you then ever indulge distress? Jesus always with you - can you ever want a counsellor ? Jesus always with you -can you ever despair of final conquest ? He who laid down His life for you , ever attentive to your welfare - no moment passing in which He is absent ; no moment coming when He shall leave you , or His helping hand be far away . O rejoice in these promises !they are worth more than all the world .


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