
"To reveal His Son in me ." Galatians 1 : 16.    Paul is here describing the process of his own conversion, the light which he saw from heaven .He says that it pleased God to reveal His Son in him . Why in him?  Why does he not say , "it pleased God to reveal His Son to me "? Did it not arrest him at midday with a glory above the brightness of the sun ? Did it not bar the way to his old nature , and bid his life to pause in the midst of his journey ? Surely that picture of his Lord was a vision to his eye , Nay , but can any picture be a vision to the eye ?Can a thing be revealed to me that has not been revealed in me ?Is the landscape on which I gaze revealed only to my outward vision ? Nay , or it would not be revealed at all  ; there could be no beauty without , if there were not a sense of beauty within . Is the music to which I listen revealed only to my outward ear ? Nay, or I would be deaf to it forever more ; there could be no harmony without if there were not  a sense of harmony within . So it is with the beauty of Him who is fairer than the children of men . Often have I envied the lot of them who were permitted to gaze on His outward form , to see the beam on His face , to hear the thrill in His voice . Yet was it not to the very chief of these to whom the words were spoken , "Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee ."It was not the eye that saw the beam , it was not the ear that heard the thrill ; it was the soul , the heart , the life , the responsive spirit bearing witness with His Spirit , the kindred sympathy that ran out to meet its counterpart , and found in Him all its salvation because it found in Him all its desire .
    My God , reveal thy Son in me . I ask for more than an audible voice , because I need more . It would not help me to behold Thy handwriting on the clouds of heaven ; it would be but the letters of a book to the child that cannot read . Teach me the meaning of Thy  words . No description of Thy heavens could declare their glory to the born blind ; no description of Thy Christ could manifest His greatness to the loveless soul . . Therefore , O Spirit of love , breathe into this heart the new sensation of loving , the new experience of being loved . Inspire this consciousness with that thought which transcends all the channels of the natural sense . Unseal the inner eye , unstop the spiritual ear , that the symmetries and the harmonies of all worlds may be revealed . It is in Thy light alone that we shall see light . Only they that are rooted and grounded in love shall be able to comprehend that love of Thine , which , although familiar to all saints , passeth finite knowledge . I shall see the King in His beauty when His beauty shall be revealed in me .


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