
By the period of Noah's birth , the necessity of a divine interposition had become much greater , and it appeared manifest to a small remnant of believers that the era of retribution , which they now identified with the era of deliverance must be at hand . Indication was then given of this state of feeling by the name itself of Noah , with the reason assigned for its adoption , " This name shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands , because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed ."The feeling is too generally expressed , to enable us to determine the accuracy how the parents of the child might their troubles to be relieved through his instrumentality . . But in their words we hear , at least , the groaning of the oppressed - the sighing of righteous souls , vexed on account of the evils that were thickening around them , for the unrestrained wickedness of those who had corrupted the earth ; and, at the same time , not despairing but looking up in faith , and even confident , that in the lifetime of that child , the God of righteousness and truth would avenge the cause of His elect. Whether they had obtained any correct insight or not into the way by which the object was to be accomplished , the event proved that the spirit of prophesy breathed in their anticipation. Their faith rested upon solid ground s, and in the hope which it led them to cherish they were not disappointed . Salvation did come in in connection with the person of Noah , and it came in a way of an overwhelming visitation of wrath upon the adversaries .
   When we look simply at the outward results produced by that remarkable visitation , they appear to have been twofold - on the one side preservation - on the other destruction . But when we look a little more closely , we perceive that there was a necessary connection between the two results , and that there was properly one object aimed at in the dispensation , though in accomplishing it there was required the operation of a double process . That object was , in the words of Peter , "the saving of Noah and his house," - saving them as the spiritual seed of God . But saving them from what ? Not surely from the violence and desolation of the waters ; for the watery element would then have acted as a preservative against itself , and instead of being saved by the water , according to the apostolic statement , the family of Noah would have been saved from it . From what then were they saved ?  Undoubtedly from that which before the coming of the deluge , formed the real element of danger - the corruption , enmity and violence of ungodly men . It was this which wasted the Church of God .
All was ready to perish . .... Patrick Fairbairn
  Is it not time for us to again to flee to to the Ark ? the true Ark which is Christ .


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