Work of the Redeemed

Every converted soul,from the hour of its conversion, is commissioned to seek and to save that which was lost. Try, then ,to praise the Lord for this. Try to wonder at His goodness, that , instead of taking His dear children home , when first they come to Him , He leaves them in a world of enemies, that they may seek for sinners . He might transplant them at once to their eternal blessed home with Himself in glory, as soon as they had tasted of His love ; but He leaves them amidst sorrow and trial , in a vale of tears, that they may be examples , as Christ is to them ; nay more , He lays woe upon them if they preach not the Gospel. Ah! how much easier for them if , as soon as they could call Him Father , they were to reach their Father's house , and get the smile of his reconciled countenance  - if as soon as their souls were lighted at the Spirit's fire , they were allowed to burst forth into a flame of glory,with which redeemed souls shine in the kingdom above ,instead of having to shine so dimly ,as at best they do , while only lights in a world that knows them not ? Yes , but what would the world be without them ?


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