Divine Wisdom

As there was unsearchable wisdom in the words of Jesus Christ , so there was a depth of Divine wisdom in the whole nature of his actions . The works done by Christ , however plain and simple externally , were full of mystery ; and the glory of God appeared in the most ordinary actions performed by him . But the chief glory of his character was spiritual and internal ;- hid in his heart . It is only a little of this that can be searched into by men in this life , the light of eternity alone will unfold these hidden mysteries , which continually burned in secret , in the heart of Jesus Christ , before the eyes of God the Father . Men are slow of heart to understand spiritual things ; their minds are so carnal that they are not much affected , except by that which is material , and which can be percieved by bodily senses . To this state of things God has condescended to accommodate himself , in the revelation of his will ; and the wisdom and grace of Jesus Christ was manifested , in adapting his words and works to the great ignorance which prevailed at the time of his appearance on the earth . And , although his kingdom , words , and works chiefly respected spiritual things , and had in them an infinite spirituality and sublimity ; yet he also displayed his grace and power , in accomplishing many external deliverances . These deliverances were performed miraculously , and manifestly discovered his supreme power over the whole course of natural causes ; and these works were done by Christ in such a manner , as sufficiently to manifest him to be the Son of God , the annointed of the Father .


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