Christian Witness

The Christian should \regard himself as the channel through the manifold grace of Christ may flow out to a needy world ; and the more frequently he communicates , the more freely will he receive , "for there is that scattereth , and yet increaseth and there  is that witholdeth more than is meet , and it tendeth to poverty ."This places the believer in a place of sweetest privilege , and , at the same time , of the most solemn responsibility. He is called to be the constant witness and exhibitor of the grace of Him on whom he believes .
    Nopw the more he enters into the privilege , the more he will answer the responsibility. If he is habitually feeding upon Christ , he cannot avoid exhibiting him. The more the Holy Spirit keeps the Christian's eyes fixed on  Jesus , the more will his heart be occupied with His adorable Person , and his life and character bear unequivocal testimony to His grace . Faith is , at once , the power of ministry , the power of testimony , and the power of worship . If we are not living " by the faith of the Son of God who l;oved us and gave Himself for us " we shall neither be effectual servants , faithful witnesses ,or true worshippers . We may be doing a great deal , but it will not be testimony for Christ . We may exhibit a great deal of pietyand devotion , but iot will not be spiritual and true worship .


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