Wiles of the Devil

I would here suggest the remarkable contrast between the testimony set up in Eden , and which is set up now .Then , when all around was life , God spoke of death ; now , on the contrary when all around is death , God speaks of life ; then the word "in the day thou eatest thou shalt die ;"    "now the word is believe and live ;" And as in Eden , the enemy sought to make void God's testimony , as to the result of eaating the fruit , so now , he seeks to mahe God's testimony as to the result of believing the Gospel . God had said " In the day that thou eatest thereof , thou shalt surely die . But the serpent said , Ye shall not surely die ."And now , when God's word plainly declares that " he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life ",The same serpent seeks to persuade people that they have not everlasting life , nor should they presume to think of such a thing , until they have , first , done felt , and experienced all manner of things . C H M


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