Man's Chief End

"Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
Man was not created for himself , and to be his own end ; he therefore that does chiefly at his own satisfaction in anything , is not a new creature ; he has his old deformed end into which he sunk by the fall . But grace carries a man higher , and reduces all to God , and to his well pleasing . Col 1. 9 10, the apostle desires they may be " filled with the knowledge of the will " of God that they may "worthy of the Lord , unto all well pleasing ." The very first motion of this new principle is towards God ; as the first appearance of a living seed in the ground is towards heaven ; there it casts its look , from whence its life came . What the new creature receives is from God ; 1 Thes, 2.13 , "They received it as the wqord of God ,"and therefore what he does is for God .      Stephen Charnock


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