God's Covering

When the soul has been made alive , what follows ? " I spread my skirt over thee , and covered thy nakedness; yea ,I sware unto thee , saith the Lord God , and thou becamest mine ." Ezekiel 16  : 8. The poor sinner needs such a covering ; for at the same time when God comes thus to give us a covering , your soul and mine are naked , having no kind of covering of our own by nature , but needing both to be washed and cleansed from iniquity by the Lord's own hand , and to be clothed from head to foot . Therefore when Jehovah thus gives life to a poor sinner , He leads him away to His dear Son's blood ; and once made white and clean there , He clothes the naked soul with the perfect righteousness of His Well- beloved . Nor does He stop there , He makes a full promise for time and for eternity , - "I sware unto thee , and entered into a covenant with thee , and thou becamest mine ." In the day in which God calls any sinner , He enters into a covenant with him , and the first thing He engages for , comprehends everything - He engages to be the sinner's all in all - " I will be a God unto thee ;" and when He says that , does He not indeed say all ? For everything is bound up in that - the Lord cannot say more .


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