
One thing is needful ; and this is the meaning of a gospel ministry ,-"Be ye reconciled to God ." Make him your refuge , and you will find the way is open , and the welcome prepared . Make him your refuge , and all things will work together for good . When evil passios stir within , and evil men oppress without , - when conscience accuses , and death overshadows , - I am like a dove tossed with the tempest ; but like the dove tossed with the tempest , I see an entrance opened into the bosom of my Father , - thither I fly away to be at rest . Blessed is even the storm which drove the dove to its window . Blessed , in the end , will be the miscellaneous dangers and trials of life ; for they shut  the pilgrim up to the Refuge of his soul , and kept him cowering deep, deep, all his days , in God's loving kindness , which is better than life . William Arnot


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