Unchangeableness of God's Purpose

The purposes of God's are as unchangeable as His nature . He has said "My counsel shall stand , and I will do all my pleasure ." Whatever He has absolutely determined to do shall certainly be done . Now , all true believers are persons whom God foreordained to salvation , and that by an act of sovereign grace , not on account of any foreseen good in them , or to be done by them . If ,therefore , He cannot but execute every one of His decrees , it follows by necessary consequence , that none of those shall perish whom God has decreed to save . Some who once appeared to be believers may become apostates , but that is no proof of the purpose of election having failed . It remains firm and stable , and the apostasy of such professors merely proves that they never were believers . Thus Paul , after alluding to the apostacy of Hymenaeus and Philetus from the faith , adds ;"nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure , having this seal , The Lord knoweth them that are his ."And John ,referring to other apostates , says " they went out from us , but they were not of us ; for if they had been of us , they would no doubt have continued with us ."


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