
You desire sanctification ,- You pant to be conformed to the image of Christ .  This is well ; for it is an eternal law of God , that without holiness no man shall see His face . But holiness can be learned only at this altar . It is a sight of a dying Jesus ,which kills lust . It is the shadow of the cross, which causes evil to wither .  A lover of iniquity cannot dwell on this hallowed ground . But there never was a holy man , who did not live glorying in the "more excellent sacrifice. " If ever you would walk with God in true righteousness , you must not be Cain like , but reject it . But ,remember , this sacrifice is only one . Jesus by the one offering of Himself , once made , "hath perfected forever them that are sanctified ."Pass it by ,and you will find none else . Pass it by today , and you may seek it in vain tomorrow . Hear then , the voice of Abel , which calls you without delay to hasten to the one altar of salvation . Remember these humble lines , until in truth you can say , I rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ , I find Him to be "the more excellent sacrifice


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