
The reason the Lord clothed them (Adam and Eve ) with skins appears to me to be this ; Because garments formed of this material would have a more degrading appearance than those made with linen and woollen . God therefore designed that our first parents should , in such a dress, behold their own vileness ,- just as they had seen it before in their nudity, - and should thus be reminded of their sin . In the meantime , it is not to be denied , that he would propose to us an example , by which he would accustom us to a frugal and inexpensive mode of dress . And I wish those delicate persons would reflect on this , who deem no ornament sufficiently attractive , unless it exceed in magnificence . Not that every kind of ornament is to be expressly condemned ; but because when immoderate elegance and splendour is carefully sought after , not only is the Master despised , who intended clothing to be a sign of shame , but war is , in a certain sense , carried on against nature .John Calvin


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